

Pentagram partners Luke Powell and Jody Hudson-Powell have created an identity system inspired by machine learning for Graphcore – a UK and US-based company that makes processing units for AI applications. The system avoids techy cliches and instead features a dynamic typeface, a shape generator and some colourful illustrations that aim to make AI seem more accessible…

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Design Canada / The first documentary chronicling the history of Canadian graphic design


About this project

The story of graphic design in Canada has never been told. Until now.

Greg Durrell of Hulse&Durrell in Vancouver, Canada and Jessica Edwards and Gary Hustwitof Film First in Brooklyn, New York have teamed up to produce the first documentary about Canadian graphic design.

Where did the idea come from to make Canada’s symbol a maple leaf? Who were the creators of this visual language that brought Canadians together in a time of great change and growth?

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Anthony Burrill’s ‘Make It Now!’

1. Trust your first reaction at the start of a project

I approach each project in a similar way, whether it’s commissioned or self–initiated. My working method is straightforward: I think of all the logical steps and practical production methods that I know will work. I tend to mull things over and work out problems subconsciously. If you give an idea a few prods and prompts, eventually potential solutions float to the surface. That way you can let problems work themselves out – don’t try to overthink them. If you complicate things too much, then the first spark of an idea can become overworked and lose its spontaneity. Trust your first reaction – try hard to hang onto your initial creative impulse. In order to fly, an idea has to feel satisfying on lots of different levels – what fonts or colours to use, how to make it, working with collaborators. All these considerations have to feel complete and ‘right’.
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4. If the project isn’t going well, communicate your feelings

Constant communication is the key to keeping things running smoothly – if you are unsure about something, ask. It’s better to know what people expect of you rather than make a guess. Be clear about what you are due to deliver and when, get it done and send it in time.
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Massimo Vignelli / NYC Subway, American Airlines …

zdroj foto

více zde nebo zde

Vignelli is responsible for a great number of nationally recognized logos, such as American Airlines, IBM, Bloomingdales, and more.  His work both through his design agency and otherwise has been published and exhibited throughout the world and has influenced designers the world over.  He has been recognized with an impressive range of awards and honors over the years and continues to be heralded as one of the premier influencers of the typography that we know and love today.

He is also responsible for designing the Helvetica font more than 50 years ago, and changing the way we look at typography today.  In fact, “Helvetica” is now a feature-length documentary about typography, fonts, and graphic design.  It stars none other than… wait for it… Massimo Vignelli!!  Two feature-length television programs have also been devoted to Vignelli’s work. …

zdroj / info / text  zde 

Logo & vizuální styl / fáze I.

Skici a skici, první proces a inspirační zdroje což, je internet, knížky, ulice, příroda, lidi co potkávám atd.

Jak postupujete při navrhování loga = vizuálního stylu? Co uděláte jako první? Kde čerpáté nápady? 

Tak ještě stále zvažuji zda vám to sem dát–jeden projekt / logo&vizuální styl na kterém jsem pomalu začala pracovat, opět nevím zda to stihnu, protože souběžně pracuji na jiných projektech, ale zítra se rozhodnu. Prozatím zde je pár fotek – skic … jsem ve fazi hledání tvaru, který bude dostatečně schopný vytvořit fungujicí celek.

Pardubický kraj / nové logo?

Nelze to jakkoli pozitivně hodnotit, neprofesionální přístup plodí neprofesionální výsledek / Nerozumím, že architekt, který ví jak by měla správně probíhat soutěž nebo výběrové řízení, tak přistupuje na takový proces tvorby. Jako architekt může být velice šikovný, ale to co vzniklo v jeho roli grafického designéra je tragické.

Ani se me to sem nechce dávat to výsledné logo zde se na něj podívejte

Kdy nastane doba kdy architekti nebudou vytvářet „loga“ ? otázka otázek …? Že já nemám koule (nemám je, no) a nepřihlásím se do nějaké architektonické soutěže? Jednoduše ctím profesi architekta ( a v případě pardubického kraje – tak architekt navrhl „dům“ (myšleno logo), který se bortí, padá a nemůže stát a splňovat funkce, které má mít).